Corporate Patronage

Amplify Your Brand with the Singapore Symphony
Looking for ways to strengthen your company’s profile while making a positive impact on society? When you partner with the Singapore Symphony Group, you are not just supporting the nation’s flagship orchestra, you are also creating unique opportunities for your business to thrive.
We have customisable corporate packages that cater exclusively to your brand’s priorities. Here are some ways you can elevate your brand profile and recognition through partnership with the Group:
- Make a cash donation to the SSG
- Support a specific concert, programme, or performing group
- Offer 1-for-1 matching for your employee’s cash donations
- Offer goods and services based on SSG’s needs
Click here for more details.
Our Corporate Patrons and Partners include Lee Foundation, Raffles Hotel Singapore, Singapore Airlines, Symphony 924 and Temasek Foundation.
Donations to the SSG may qualify for a tax deduction of up to 250% of the donated amount.
Embark on the journey with us to enrich the community through the power of music. For more enquiries, contact our Development Team at