Season 2020/21
Calamity and Calm - The Music of Hope (Online)
Episode 2: Asking for Intercession
Wed / 11 Nov 20 / 12.30pm
Facebook & YouTube
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[This free performance will premiere on 11 November, 12.30pm on the VCHpresents and SSO Facebook pages, SSO YouTube page.]
People throughout the centuries have confronted plague, war and disasters. Musicians – including organists – have been there portraying the sorrows of the masses and comforting them. Through music, entire generations and populations have expressed their grief, desires and hopes in times of trials and crises.
Click here to find out more about Victoria Concert Hall’s Klais Organ.
Anne Maria Lim, organ / Isaac Lee, organ / Phoon Yu, organ / Haslina Hassan, presenterProgramme
J.S. Bach | Ich ruf’ zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 639 |
Georg Böhm | Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist |
J.S. Bach | Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 649 |
Boëllmann | Prière à Notre Dame from Suite Gothique |